BABY #1- 6 Clomid cycles, 2 IUIs with Femara, 1 IVF with 3 embryos transferred, 2 more IUIs with Femara & Follistim, and finally 1 IUI with Follistim.
BABY #2 - 2 Follistim cycles and natural conception
BABY #3 - natural conception, miscarried at 10 weeks
BABY #4 - natural conception

Decided to start a family May 2005. After testing & un-related delays, began first treatment cycle Oct 2005. First pregnancy confirmed Sept 2007. Second pregnancy confirmed Mar 2011. Third & fourth pregnancies - 2015.

For other IF couples
If you want to skip back to our infertility adventures, please see the history on the right hand margin. There you can find our journey from 2005 through 2007.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Braxton Hicks

I forgot to mention earlier this week that I've also been having Braxton Hicks contractions. It's normal & no big deal, but man is it odd. My belly gets all tight & hard (I've read different descriptions from being as hard as your forehead to being able to bounce a coin off it, lol) but there really is no pain. My doc said that it can come with pain and that it still would be Braxton Hicks. So far, most of mine have been painless, but uncomfortable. Though I've had a couple with back pain (feels like baby is kicking me in the spine during them sometimes).

I've also been having some pain that I described to the doc as 'period-like'. He explained that it has to do with the muscles holding my uterus up. I was having random sharp pains on my left side and low dull pain in front of my belly. Both are related to the ligaments & muscles stretching. He said the reason my pain seems to come primarily to the left is that I'm carrying baby slightly off to my left side. Who knew I was crooked?

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